The students are writing weekly reflections about their learning! It has been amazing for us as teachers to read, discuss, collaborate and share what the students have written. They are asked to reflect on their learning and the project based learning approach that they are
involved in. The ideas for future learning that they have shared are very powerful! They are really showing respect for us, and they have appreciated that we are inquiring what they want
involved in their learning. They can share the good, bad, ugly...
We have been
WOWed by the information that they have shared. Here are some quotes:
-"I enjoy learning and that time is going so quickly, we are having fun learning."
-"Lunch time (12:25) comes so quickly, I don't want to leave our classroom, it is so fun"
-"It is hard to get organized, I need to work on it, but I know it will help for Junior High."
-"I like learning with difference subjects working together."
To see the students so engaged is motivating to all!