Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Signs of a Good Trip

Top Ten Times of a good trip:
(10-2...not necessarily in order)
10. Great Sights to See
9. Awesome parents and administrators to allow this trip
8. Students that represent well in public
7. Creating unforgettable memories....inside jokes included
6. Extending learning to a different part of the country
5. Tour guide and bus drive that are helpful and fun
4. Eating, Eating, are we eating all the time???
3. Laughing, Actually, laughing so hard that it hurts, belly laughs rock!
2. Chaperones that are fabulous, fun, and funny
and the #1 sign of a good trip.........
Opening Happiness and Seeing So Much that we can't keep our eyes open.....

Thank you to all who made it possible to have an amazing year and a fabulous trip!

The Memories are Priceless....(and can be found on the photo cd:)

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